Our ETI chillers are high-performance water-cooled centrifugal chillers designed for industrial applications, and commercial projects and data centres.

  • Water-cooled centrifugal chillers running on R134a
  • Cooling capacity range of 527 – 2,461 kW (150 – 700 RT)
  • 11 standard compact chillers available
  • Our instinctive control panel allows for easy operation

Water-cooled centrifugal chillers are the most efficient chillers in the industry. MHI have applied this technology to develop a range of high-performance chillers, the ETI series, ensuring that our users benefit from considerable savings in operating costs.

The ETI range

The ETI chiller series has a cooling capacity range of 527 – 2,461 kW (150 – 700 RT). The chillers are equipped with one or two centrifugal compressors depending on the cooling capacity required, and each unit has a built-in inverter in order to optimize its performance at part load. Our ETI models run on HFC134a chlorine-free refrigerant, which has Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).

There are 11 standard compact chillers in the ETI series to suit your requirements. They are all equipped with a two-stage centrifugal compressor, a subcooler, an economizer and an inverter. A microcomputer control system with color TFT liquid crystal display (LCD) enables meticulous and optimized operation management.

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